With the rapid growth in the volume of spam that is sent worldwide, spam filtering has become increasingly more important each year. Nucleus Research estimates that the average employee receives about 7,500 pieces of spam every year. Not only does this take time away from normal work duties, but these pieces of spam are often malicious attempts by an Internet criminal to gain access to your company's private information or otherwise compromise your security. One of the best ways to ensure email security is to eliminate spam from ever reaching your network through the use of spam filtering software.
The 2007 FTC Spam Summit concluded that spam is the primary means cyber criminals use to conduct their crimes. These criminals prey on companies that do not have adequate spam filtering software. They usually have one of two goals: they either want to obtain private information (known as phishing scams) or they intend to create a gateway to hack into your computer system and compromise your website and email security. Sophos reports that every day 6,000 websites are found to have been compromised, unbeknownst to their owners.
Email security can be easy to achieve with the right anti-malware package. These packages not only remove viruses and spyware from your system, but they can stop threats before they ever reach your network by blocking spam at the connection level-saving valuable bandwidth. Advanced spam filtering software can filter out the large majority of dangerous emails before they ever reach your inbox.
A very important function of a spam filter is to scan incoming and outgoing email for harmful viruses and quarantine any suspicious messages. Without this feature, viruses can spread and wreak havoc on your system, deleting files, shutting down operating systems, and opening up your environment to cybercriminals who will take advantage of any private information they find. The spam filter should be set to update and run automatically, with no action needed by the employee.
There is no doubt that spam must be stopped in order to maintain email security. However, rather than wasting expensive man-hours on deleting spam, the right spam filtering solution will handle this responsibility for your employees there by dramatically increasing productivity.
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